Student Financial Aid Policy

Before purchasing text and materials online with Financial Aid, please verify through your SOLAR account that you have funds available.

By electronically signing, you acknowledge that you have charged yours and only your textbooks and related course materials against your applicable student assistance at John Wood Community College.

You understand that Title IV Federal Aid may be reduced or revoked at any time. If any of your funding sources are reduced or revoked, you understand that you are responsible for any balance owed plus any attorney fees, collection agency fees or other expenses incurred against your account at John Wood Community College.

When purchasing textbooks with Student Financial Aid, you will need to enter your student J number. This is can be found on the front of your JWCC student ID card. It should begin with a J and end with numbers, e.g. JXXXXXXXX, where X is a number. If you lost your student ID card or need help finding your J number, please contact the JWCC Admissions Office by calling or texting 217.393.8400, or email [email protected].

To see the financial aid you have available, during checkout, select the link under "Planning on paying with JWCC Student Financial Aid?". Enter your J number where it asks for "account number". It will list the materials covered by your financial aid. For questions about financial aid, please contact the JWCC Financial Aid Office by calling 217.641.4333 or email [email protected].

When selecting a payment option during checkout, to use your JWCC Student Financial Aid, you must select that option from the dropdown. Enter your J number where it asks for "account number". If you do not have enough funds to cover the entire transaction, you will be required to enter a credit card to cover the remaining cost of your purchase.

Student Financial Aid Policy

Before purchasing text and materials online with Financial Aid, please verify through your SOLAR account that you have funds available.

By electronically signing, you acknowledge that you have charged yours and only your textbooks and related course materials against your applicable student assistance at John Wood Community College.

You understand that Title IV Federal Aid may be reduced or revoked at any time. If any of your funding sources are reduced or revoked, you understand that you are responsible for any balance owed plus any attorney fees, collection agency fees or other expenses incurred against your account at John Wood Community College.

When purchasing textbooks with Student Financial Aid, you will need to enter your student J number. This is can be found on the front of your JWCC student ID card. It should begin with a J and end with numbers, e.g. JXXXXXXXX, where X is a number. If you lost your student ID card or need help finding your J number, please contact the JWCC Admissions Office by calling or texting 217.393.8400, or email [email protected].

To see the financial aid you have available, during checkout, select the link under "Planning on paying with JWCC Student Financial Aid?". Enter your J number where it asks for "account number". It will list the materials covered by your financial aid. For questions about financial aid, please contact the JWCC Financial Aid Office by calling 217.641.4333 or email [email protected].

When selecting a payment option during checkout, to use your JWCC Student Financial Aid, you must select that option from the dropdown. Enter your J number where it asks for "account number". If you do not have enough funds to cover the entire transaction, you will be required to enter a credit card to cover the remaining cost of your purchase.